The Bride Price
The Bride Price tells the poignant love story of Aku-nna, a young Igbo girl, and Chike, the son of a prosperous former slave. They are drawn together despite the obstacles standing between them and their happiness, defying even the traditions of tribal life. Aku-nna flees an unwanted marriage to join Chike, only to have her uncle refuse the required bride price from Chike’s family. This leads to Aku-nna’s haunting fear that she will die in childbirth – the fate according to tribal lore, awaiting every young girl whose bride price is not paid.
“A captivating Nigerian novel lovingly but unsentimentally written… a considerable writer” New Statesman
“gives one a compelling sense of what it might be like to be a woman in a small village in Nigeria before independence.” Liverpool Daily Post
“This book is in the very top rank. I recommend it warmly and without reservation.” The Times
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 234
Weight: 0.67 lbs